What's happening in our parish.
Pastor Noel preaching/Communion
TELP worship service each Sunday held at the St Andrew Lutheran Church, Millner starting at 9.30am

Bible Readings for this week
October 27 — Bible Readings
Pastor Noel Preaching
John 17:20-24
Psalm 126
Hebrews 7:23-28
Upcoming Events
Click on the below to see more information and register your interest.
Christianity Explored
Jesus. Who? Why? So What? Come and meet the man who changed history. Beginning next month.
Gather and Grow
Our studies on Pastor Noel's book, 'New Life, New Love'. Second part of this study has begun; Tuesdays at Helen Hage’s. 6:30pm, bring a plate of tea to share. Contact Helen Graetz on 0432 415 916.
What a blessing! On Sunday November 10th, some of our young people will be confirming their faith publicly at our Worship service. Please keep following for further information so you can share in this wonderful occasion.
Teacher Wanted
There is a new teaching position being established in Foundation Studies at Nungalinya College supported by LCA. The position is to start in 2025 with the preference that the successful candidate has a Lutheran background. If you are interested or know someone who might be, please contact Pastor Noel.
Foundation's is looking for staff
A part time cook for the centre. 5 days a week to cook a set menu which is rotated over three weeks for the children in our care? Please email resume and application letter to Centre Director Ali Salter at Email: admin@foundationsearlylearning.com.au
Or phone 0411 193 143 for more information.
While Peter Buckland is away we would like to engage a part time Yard Man / Gardner to take on the yard maintenance work. 2.5 hours per week out of centre hours.
A job description is available for this role. Please call or email the Centre Director for more details. Attention Director Ms Ali Salter at Email: admin@foundationsearlylearning.com.au
Or phone 0411 193 143 for more information.

As we approach this wonderful season with only 5 weeks till December and 9 weeks till Christmas day, there are several things that will come up.
Firstly, Lorraine is still thinking about a Children’s Christmas service, but there are still some hurdles to clear and we will let you know soon.

27 October Foster Parenting (Interview)
With foster care in high demand, hear Ann - mother of four, and a foster parent - share about the unique struggles and joys that come with foster parenting.
Lutheran Media
Facebook Groups:
Worship Online & DVDs
To access online, DVD & CD worship services:
Let's Pray For...

* Bishop Andrew Brook
* Place your healing hands on our minds and our hearts.
* Our congregation members; heal their secret suffering, heal their emotional, mental, physical or spiritual pain/hurts.
* All those caught in areas of conflict.
* Our local and federal government.
* The decisions we need to make towards a sustainable future.
Prayer ministry opportunity
Some prayer points from the last NTCC (NT Council of Churches):
* Pray for an increase in funding for a full time Prison Chaplain – a Jo Vandersee (Anglicare NT Staff chaplain and Prison Chaplain) is currently doing her best with part-time. The need is great.
* Pray for the prison system to move to a rehabilitation model. To make a difference.
* Pray for re-establishing of the Prison Reference Group.
* Pray for effective follow up care for those released from prison.
* Pray for the new government, for wisdom to make a difference in the management of domestic violence, alcohol management, and youth crime.
Thankyou. Helen Graetz Mb: 0432 415 016
Contact & Banking Information
For all other contact information for all services within the Top End Lutheran Church, click the button below to be taken to the website contact page.
St Andrew | Good Shepherd |
BSB: 704 942 ACC: 100106021 | BSB: 704 942 ACC: 100391745 |
A Safe Place For All...
A Safe Place The LCA has a strong policy on the prevention of Sexual Abuse. As part of this policy a free call number is available. This service is completely confidential, and advisors are trained to deal sensitively with those who seek assistance or information. Free call: 1800 644 628 Write: The Supervisor, PO Box 519, MARDEN SA 5070 |